Education Minister Mutula Kilonzo (left) performs at the book launch |
Ronald Njoroge in Nairobi
Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) on MondaySeptember 10 launched a book on the equality
that is targeted at school going children.
KHRC Executive Director Atsango Chesoni told journalists in Nairobi that the book will help inculcate a positive culture among the young generation.
KHRC Executive Director Atsango Chesoni told journalists in Nairobi that the book will help inculcate a positive culture among the young generation.
book will assist schools teach values of cohesion to the pupils in order to
enhance national unity,” Chesoni said.
book’s author Muthoni Muchemi said that the book will be piloted in a few
primary schools before being rolled out nationally.
book will provide explicit systems that will enable them respond to their
feelings,” Muchemi said.